Saturday, 31 March 2012

Awww, what a weekend!  
Undertaking ridiculous challenges ... 

Yes and why not? Isn't that exactly what keeps us alive?

The world needs more wonderful crazy ladies

Me, Helen and over 100 other women and children were hoola hooping while walking for the whole 1 mile last weekend! All in the name of Sport Relief.

These ladies really rock! I’m telling you.  And a lot of them don’t even know it.  Most don’t know how very wonderful they really are!  Not because they have blond or brown hair, not because their waist measures perfect 24 inches, but because of their attitude!

They pick up their hoola hoops, for a good cause and they get on with it.  For fun.  For doing something crazy and off the wall.  For the smiles.  For wellbeing and good fitness.  And most importantly, for all those who are afraid to come out of their shells, fearing they might look silly or even stupid. 

This is the only way to live.  This is the inspiration.  These are the hoola ladies. 

For picking up the hoop and having a go, shows you are ready to embark on new challenges.  Progress. Make your self feel good and show to others anything can be done. 

Smile. Life is out there. Life is in You!

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